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I realized recently I haven’t put anything new up on as far as a blog posting is concerned, and that’s mainly because I have not had too much news to report. The job hunt is still in effect. If anybody has any leads for an Apple / BSD centric IT professional in Atlanta, definitely let me know.

Politik/Ponytail & Moustache played a set a few weeks ago, the plan was to play a bunch of dubstep and it went off for the most part. So did the amp at Cenci, where we played. Apparently we brought a little too much sub-bass. I went to a pretty awesome July 4th bash over at BT’s condo. A bunch of friends I have not seen in a while partying it up on his roof, checking out about a dozen or so fireworks extravaganzas happening around the Metro area that night. That is also where this classy photo from above came from, much thanks to SWGS for supplying that.

I saw The Dark Knight. I thought it was excellent. I don’t like critics, and if you haven’t seen it I am sure you don’t care about spoilers. I don’t see a lot of movies, and I publicly endorse even fewer but I will make an exception here; Joker is once again one of my favorite movie villains. 

I’m going to see Spiritualized for the first time on Wednesday, I might take some photos with the point and shoot, but I’ve been waiting a long time to see them perform live. Consequently, part of me just wants to kick back and enjoy the show. Oh yeah, one last thing, iPhone SW 2.0 is pretty awesome. I’m more addicted to the AppStore than I probably should be.